
Syncing Content Regularly

It's important to keep the content that Cloudshelf knows about up to date. This is done by syncing your content regularly.

We recommend syncing any changes to your content at least once per day.

Updating data in Cloudshelf is as easy as ingesting it, just be sure to provide either the same GlobalId for each record that you provided during ingestion, or the internal Cloudshelf one we provided back to you.

Our suggested way to do this is via batching changes. This essentially means that don't need to send us changes immediately, we reduces the complexity of your integration and the load on our platform.



When your platform makes a change to an entity, you add it to a list of changes to be synced.

You then have a scheduled job that runs at 20 minute intervals, that uses the changes list to make the required API calls to Cloudshelf.

When your platform makes a change to an entity, you update the updated_at timestamp on the entity.

You then have a scheduled job that runs at 20 minute intervals, that uses the updated_at timestamp to make the required API calls to Cloudshelf.

When your platform makes a change to an entity, you look for a sync job that has not yet been run.

If one exists, you update the sync job to include the new changes.

If not, you create a new sync job with the changes, and set a delay of 20 minutes.

When he 20 minutes delay is up, you run the sync job, and mark it as complete.